The Practice offers face to face and online consultations.
Expert assessments and advice can get you quickly back to work and your usual activities.
So, if you are struggling with an injury at the moment, don’t grin and bear it, book an appointment.
Merrow Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic is a private physiotherapy clinic based in Guildford. The clinic has been established for over 20 years and offers immediate and informed treatment by Chartered Physiotherapists. Part of the treatment involves lifestyle education for long term preventative care.
For immediate advice please call Jane on 01483 458978, 07734051964 or email jv.barnes@btinternet.com to discuss your Physio concerns/requirements.
Treatment is provided through a friendly professional approach with a strong emphasis on ‘hands on’ treatment. The practice has longstanding links with local schools, GPs, consultants and other health specialists. There is a well established referral system for further investigations such as Xrays or MRI scans when indicated. Emphasis is placed on total continuity and high standards of individual care in a quiet private setting.
Physiotherapy takes place in a purpose built clinic with private treatment room, waiting room and ample free parking.
Jane qualified in 1986 from Guys Hospital in London as a Chartered Physiotherapist and is state registered with the Health Professions Council.

Initially she worked in London NHS Hospitals for 10 years before specialising into musculo-skeletal Physiotherapy. She spent some time working at sports centres developing her interest in the treatment of sports injuries. She then worked closely with GPs in 3 different doctors’ surgeries and also at a private hospital for 8 years.
Merrow Physiotherapy & Sports Clinic was set up in 1999. This expanded quickly establishing strong links with other medical professionals in the area over the last 17 years.
Jane has also undertaken further studies in mobilization treatment and acupuncture. She has been a practicing member of the MACP (Manipulation Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) for 21 years and the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists for 14 years. She is also a member of the OCPPP (Organisation of Chartered Physiotherapists in Private Practise).
She has developed further interests particularly in spinal and sports injuries, and is constantly updating her skills to provide the best of current evidence based and cutting edge physiotherapy.

Book an appointment
Please complete the booking form below to make an appointment or email us directly on jv.barnes@btinternet.com: