Treatment at Merrow Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic begins with an initial assessment.
Questions are asked to establish the nature of the condition. Range, quality of movement and posture are observed. The presence of any joint swelling or muscle spasm is noted. The area is then palpated for any tenderness and reproduction of symptom's. A diagnosis is made and a treatment plan is fully discussed with the patient. Questions are welcomed at any point in the assessment. Subsequent treatments are reassessed briefly at the start of each appointment to facilitate an accurate and immediate rehabilitation. Loose comfortable clothing should be worn to allow the part being treated to be appropriately exposed. All personal details are private and protected in accordance with registration of the Data Protection Agency.
Conditions treated:
Sports injuries
Neck and Back pain
Joint problems and Arthritis
Muscle strains
Post accident strains and breaks/fractures
Posture related disorders
Ergonomic advice and work related health
Biomechanical assessments
Pregnancy and Women's Health
Post orthopaedic surgery
Treatment modalities:
Manual Mobilisation (small joint movements by the physio)
Massage (sports and remedial)
Exercise programmes
Electrotherapy: ultrasound, etc
Ergonomic and postural advice
Gait analysis and orthotic (insoles) prescription
Initial Assessment:
1 hour for most Spinal conditions and Biomechanical assessments £95
½ hour for all other conditions and local spinal pain £50
Subsequent Treatments:
Face to face ½ hour appointments £50
Video ½ hour appointments £45
Useful links
CSP csp.org.uk
HPC hpc-uk.org
Physiofirst/OCPPP physiofirst.org.uk
MACP macpweb.org
AACP aacp.org.uk
BUPA bupa.co.uk
AXAPPP axappphealthcare.co.uk